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Neck Pain

Phuong Q. Tien, MD -  - Pain Management

Newhope Joint and Spine

Phuong Q. Tien, MD

Pain Management located in Westminster, CA

While occasional neck pain affects most people at some point in life, chronic neck pain can limit your ability to work, exercise, or maintain a high quality of life. Using the latest diagnostic technologies and advanced treatments, Phuong Q. Tien, MD, can help you find relief of chronic neck pain and prevent a worsening of your condition or disability. At Newhope Joint and Spine in Westminster, California, Dr. Tien offers comprehensive care and long-term solutions for neck pain. Find out which treatment is right for you by calling Newhope Joint and Spine or by booking an appointment online now.

Neck Pain Q & A

What causes neck pain?

Everyday stress and muscle tension are common causes for persistent neck stiffness and pain. You may also experience chronic neck pain from direct trauma to your neck or spine or because of underlying medical conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Herniated disc
  • Joint fractures
  • Nerve compression
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine)

You may also have chronic neck pain due to osteoporosis, a condition that causes bone loss and frequent fractures as bones become weak and brittle.

When should I seek treatment for neck pain?

While occasional neck pain due to tension or muscle sprains typically resolves on its own, chronic neck pain shouldn’t be ignored. You should schedule an evaluation at Newhope Joint and Spine if your neck pain isn’t resolved with rest or over-the-counter medications or you have symptoms like:

  • Swelling
  • Headaches
  • Limited range of motion
  • Numbness or weakness

You should also seek medical help if you have tingling sensations or pain that radiates down into your shoulders or arms.

How is neck pain diagnosed?

Diagnosing neck pain involves a physical exam and an evaluation of the range of motion you have in your neck. Dr. Tien also checks for swelling, redness, or signs of infection during the exam. She may request blood work to rule out infection and other underlying medical issues.

To get a closer look at the inner structures of your neck, Dr. Tien uses imaging tests, like an MRI or X-rays. These tests can show fractures, herniated cervical discs, or areas of nerve compression. Dr. Tien can also use imaging tests to confirm the presence of arthritis.

How is neck pain treated?

Treatments for neck pain depends on the cause of your pain. If you have muscle tension or a sprain, Dr. Tien may recommend over-the-counter medications, ice or heat therapy, and rest. To strengthen your neck muscles, you may also benefit from physical therapy and therapeutic massages.

For chronic neck pain due to arthritis or other degenerative condition, you may need injections of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medicines Dr. Tien delivers directly into the affected cervical joints.

If you have spinal stenosis, a condition where your spinal column becomes narrow and starts pinching your nerves, you may benefit from epidural spinal injections. This treatment involves the injection of medications into the spine to block nerve pain.

If degenerative changes in the spine are severe, you may be a candidate for surgery to remove damaged areas of your cervical vertebrae.

You don’t have to live with chronic neck pain. Learn more about the available long-term solutions for neck pain by calling Newhope Joint and Spine today or by requesting a consultation online now.