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Elbow Pain

Phuong Q. Tien, MD -  - Pain Management

Newhope Joint and Spine

Phuong Q. Tien, MD

Pain Management located in Westminster, CA

If you’re active in sports or suffer a fall, you’re at increased risk for chronic elbow pain. To improve your elbow’s range of motion and alleviate persistent pain, Phuong Q. Tien, MD, offers noninvasive solutions tailored to your needs at Newhope Joint and Spine. At the Westminster, California, pain management clinic, Dr. Tien relies on state-of-the-art diagnostic technology to find the cause of your chronic elbow pain. She offers medications, injection therapies, and referrals for surgery, focusing treatment on enhancing your quality of life. Schedule a consultation for elbow pain online now or by calling Newhope Joint and Spine.

Elbow Pain Q & A

What causes elbow pain?

Elbow pain is a common side effect of overuse injuries that result from participation in certain sports or manual labor jobs. Repetitive motions required by these activities can result in inflammation and pain in the elbow joint that limits what you can do.

Common causes of chronic elbow pain and limited range of motion include:

  • Sprains
  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Joint dislocations
  • Nerve compression

You may also develop pain from stress fractures in the elbow joint caused by too much pressure on your joint. Stress fractures are often caused by age-related degeneration, osteoporosis, or because of obesity.

How is elbow pain diagnosed?

It’s important that you seek an accurate diagnosis for persistent elbow pain to prevent a worsening of your condition and permanent disability.

Dr. Tien offers the latest diagnostics on-site to quickly determine the cause of your pain. She may recommend imaging tests, like X-rays or an ultrasound, to rule out certain conditions and confirm your diagnosis.

You can also expect a physical exam of your elbow joint and a full review of your personal and family medical history during your appointment.

What treatments are available for elbow pain?

If chronic elbow pain isn’t relieved with rest and medications, Dr. Tien may recommend injections of a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medications directly into your joint. Keeping the joint stable with a brace also gives the elbow time to heal on its own and can prevent additional joint damage.

You may also be a good candidate for physical therapy to improve the health of the muscles that support your elbow joint. Working with a physical therapist can also help you learn ways to prevent future overuse injuries in your favorite sports or activities.

Injectable medications can reduce inflammation and deliver anesthetics directly into the joint or the area surrounding compressed nerves. This blocks the pain signals from traveling to your brain.

When elbow pain is the result of severe arthritis or a traumatic injury, Dr. Tien can evaluate your condition to determine if surgery is right for you. Surgical intervention may be necessary to repair torn tissue that stabilizes your elbow joint or to remove areas of your joint damaged by arthritis or other degenerative condition.

To find out more about solutions for chronic elbow pain, call Newhope Joint and Spine or request a consultation online today.