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Back Pain

Phuong Q. Tien, MD -  - Pain Management

Newhope Joint and Spine

Phuong Q. Tien, MD

Pain Management located in Westminster, CA

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people find it difficult to stay active. At Newhope Joint and Spine in Westminster, California, experienced interventional pain management physician Phuong Q. Tien, MD, offers noninvasive treatments like steroid injections to ease your pain and get you back to an active lifestyle. Whether your back pain is the result of an injury or a chronic disease, like arthritis, Dr. Tien customizes your care to help you achieve freedom from your pain. Schedule a consultation at Newhope Joint and Spine today using the online booking feature or by calling the office today.

Back Pain Q & A

What causes back pain?

Back pain can be the result of an injury or an underlying health condition. Dr. Tien customizes treatment for both acute and chronic back pain.

Acute back pain

Acute back pain generally occurs suddenly and lasts no longer than six weeks. Acute pain is usually caused by ligament or muscle strains due to improper heavy lifting or a sports injury.

Chronic back pain

Back pain that lasts longer than three months is defined as chronic back pain. This type of pain may be the result of a degenerative disease or injury-related damage to the spine. Common causes of chronic back pain include:

  • Arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Fractures
  • Herniated disc
  • Nerve compression

You can also develop chronic back pain if you have osteoporosis, an age-related condition that causes your bones to become weak, brittle, and prone to fractures.

What are my risk factors for back pain?

Your risk for acute and chronic back pain increases as you get older and if you’re overweight. Other factors that can increase your risk for back pain include:

  • Smoking
  • Lack of exercise
  • Sports participation

If you work in certain jobs, such as those that require lifting heavy objects, you may be more likely to develop chronic back pain.

How is back pain diagnosed?

To understand the possible causes for your back pain, Dr. Tien reviews your medical history and discusses your job and usual activities. She physically examines your back, evaluating your range of motion and the location of your pain.

Imaging tests, like X-rays or an MRI, allow Dr. Tien to assess the structures of your spine to identify issues, like herniated discs or nerve compression.

Once she determines the root cause of your pain, Dr. Tien creates a custom treatment plan focused on easing pain and increasing your mobility.

What treatments are available for back pain?

When you can’t find relief from back pain with rest or over-the-counter medications, Dr. Tien may prescribe stronger medications to alleviate muscle-related pain and inflammation. She may also refer you for physical therapy to strengthen your muscles and your core for long-term relief of back pain.

When oral medications aren’t enough, Dr. Tien may suggest epidural steroid or nerve block injections, which deliver anti-inflammatory and anesthetic medications directly into the spine. This treatment may be effective for herniated disc or arthritis pain.

If you have severe spine degeneration or chronic pain from nerve compression, Dr. Tien may suggest surgery to remove damaged areas of vertebrae. She continues to work with you post-surgery to ensure your pain is well-controlled.

Learn more about available pain-relieving treatments for back pain by calling Newhope Joint and Spine today or requesting an appointment online now.